Thursday, December 14, 2006

fun at church

The 3rd night in a row when there was skit practice.. the CCIS thing. This time was more fun because it was almost fulldress, just no costumes only. Quite interesting to see everyone emoting.
In case you didn't know, i'm the FOOTMAN. My role is like 10 seconds. haha.

ANYWAY, they bought these kiddy crowns for the 3 kings daniel/cheryl/ham. =) so i just got people to wear them and took pictures. =)

was thinking of photoshopping but then.. too lazy. and no time.

King Solemnman A.K.A Graham!

King Hug-o A.K.A Cheryl!


Daniel tried to look serious in this picture.

hahaha. i don't know what timo is doing.
but cannot see the crown very well so retake!



I wanted to photoshop this picture cos timo looks super funny and daniel looks super evil. maybe i will. but not now, no time.

tried to act coooool. haha.

cute king! =) This took quite long to take cos either her eyes were closed or her fringe was covering her eyes or somethingthatshewasnotsatisfiedwith then she keep asking me to delete the picture. ha.

bad picture. looks quite funny like serene damn blur dunno how to wear hat. but no it was just a candid shot. and stupid daniel's hand blocking.


=) much better.


ok, that's all the hats pictures i have. just to end, i'm here to tell you NOT to buy BK Student Meal at Compass Point (@ Sengkang MRT) or McDonalds Student Meal at the same place.

1) For mcdonalds, they still serve the fries in the smallest packet and they just stuff it fuller when you UPSIZE it. By right a studentmeal upsized should be equal a normal EVM packet size.

2) For Burger King, i did NOT upsize the drink and it was PATHETIC. Like a freaking kids meal size.

Ok here's a comparison between an upsized Mcdonalds drink and a non-upsized BK drink:

Huh what? the BK cup looks wider and fatter? noooooo. it's just an illusion. look at this.

Damn cheat money la!!! ok i know it isn't very obvious from the pictures but seriously, the cup is exactly the kiddie size. Go buy a Mcdonalds happy meal and you'll know the size.

#%!%&*^*(. I'm never buying from there again.